General Frequently Asked questions

Office hours are Monday – Friday 9:00 – 5:00 EST
Online Ordering: 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week.
We ship according to the carriers office hours and often are unable to ship on the weekends. All orders placed on Saturday and Sunday will be processed Monday morning and shipped as soon as possible.

Holiday Schedule:

Our website is open 24/7. Orders are processed and shipped only on business days. Our company offices are closed on the following days:

Thanksgiving: November 24
Christmas Eve: December 24
Christmas Day: December 25
New Year's Eve: December 31
New Year's Day: January 1

Thorn Ridge, Inc
1095 Military Trail, #1722, Jupiter, FL 33458-9998
Office Phone: 561-475-2021

Website Contact Form

If you get our voicemail, please leave a message with your name and phone number and we will return your call as quickly as possible.

We require a contact phone number for our customers in case we have a question about your order or in the event that an item is out of stock and we need to contact you. While we do our best to keep inventory on the website current, sometimes a product may be out of stock or backordered due to its popularity and the site hasn't been updated with that information when you placed your order. We may need to contact you urgently about your order and email can be slow, especially if it's not checked often, so we prefer to call you.

Once you make a purchase we send a confirmation email with your order number on it. If you didn’t receive it, please check your spam or junk folder first or search your email client for Thorn Ridge®. If you can't find us, give us a call and we can look it up for you. 

Unfortunately, we are unable to make changes or modifications to to an order once it has been placed. If it’s an urgent situation (like you made a mistake in the shipping address) please call us immediately at 561-475-2021 and we’ll see if there’s anything we can do. Due to the agreements with some of our vendors and manufacturers, no changes can be made once the order is placed so make sure you double-check everything prior to completing your purchase.

The short answer is no. We only work with approved wholesale accounts who are selling in their retail stores. We don't allow individuals to buy large quantities or products and resell on other platforms or websites. Thorn Ridge, Inc spends a great deal of time and resources to produce and sell quality products and in protecting its brand, reputation, trademarks, product lines, and names. In order to maintain this protection, it is imperative that all wholesale partnerships we engage in, the wholesale partner must agree to follow this same level of brand protection when selling our products. Therefore, wholesale partners, who are also considered resellers, are allowed to sell our products in their brick and morter stores and on their company website and no where else. Wholesale partners are not allowed to sell our products to other companies, businesses, or individuals who intend to remarket, resell, or redistribute our products in any way. Wholesale partners are also prohibited from selling our products on Amazon, Facebook Marketplace, Walmart Marketplace, Ebay, Jet, Rakuten,  Facebook, Instagram or TikTok stores, any social media platforms, or any 3rd party websites, etc. We do not authorize wholesaler accounts or individual customers to resell our products on any marketplace or 3rd party marketplaces. Instead, wholesale partners should refer those companies, businesses, and individuals to apply to our Wholesale Partner program.

Thorn Ridge® digital gift cards are available in various amounts and are emailed electronically after purchase. Once you receive your gift card you can save them to your computer, print them out or forward them to the person you bought it for as a gift. Gift cards are a form of payment but you can’t use one gift card to buy another gift card. You can use more than one gift card towards your purchase when checking out. Gift cards can be used multiple times until the total amount of funds on the card runs out. We do not reload a gift card, instead, you would need to purchase a new one when the old one is used up. Not sure how much is left on your card? We can check for you. Just send us an email to and we’ll let you know as soon as possible. Gift cards are only redeemable at

While we pack our products carefully to protect them during shipping, there’s no way we can ensure that people in the shipping industry take the same care with the package during the shipping process. If you’ve received a product that is broken or damaged, please contact us immediately at 561-475-2021 so we can remedy the situation. Please email us pictures of the damaged box and products to

We currently do not have a brick-and-mortar storefront but we hope to open some in the future starting in Tennessee and South Florida and expanding from there. .

We don't like those annoying popups asking you to subscribe to a newsletter so we have our sign up form at the bottom of any page of our website. We send it out periodically to notify you of sales or upcoming events. We will not email you daily or spam your inbox. You’ll only hear from us if something fun and exciting is about to happen.

We may occasionally offer promo codes, sales and special offers on our website and through our newsletter. We also offer automatic discounts so you don't have to worry about forgetting to put in a code.

Unfortunately, we are only able to exchange or return items that meet our return policy criteria and that are purchased from our website at and have a Thorn Ridge® order number. Items purchased through our wholesaler's brick-and-mortar stores, other websites, or retail locations should be returned to that retailer according to their exchange and return policies.

If you receive notice that your package was delivered, but it’s not there, please wait 24 hours. Recently, it has come to our attention that drivers are indicating the package as delivered but then they don’t bring it until the next day. We don’t particularly agree with this practice but it’s out of our control. If, after waiting a day, it still hasn’t arrived, please email us at and we’ll follow up with the carrier. If you do not want to wait, you can always contact the tracking department of the shipper directly.

It was our founder, Jorge Alvarez's wish that if he passed, he wanted his wife Melissa to request donations to Saint Jude Children’s Hospital to help kids with cancer in lieu of flowers for his funeral, which she did. In honor of Jorge, every year she will also donate a portion of the net profits from Thorn Ridge, Inc to Saint Jude’s Children’s Hospital in Jorge’s name. 

Unfortunately, at this time, we are not in a position to add more charities or respond to individual requests we receive for additional charitable donations.

Thorn Ridge, Inc spends a great deal of time and resources to manufacture, produce and sell quality products and in protecting its brand, reputation, registered trademarks, product lines, and names associated with our business. In order to maintain this protection, it is imperative that all customers who shop on our website at or our or other Branded Storefronts agree to follow this same level of brand protection when buying our products.

Our pledge to you: We pledge to provide you with the best products we can make that will be helpful and beneficial to your life. We'll always give you, our loyal customers, exceptional customer service. We will go above an beyond to create a country store ambiance to our website and product lines by offering unique products that you can't find anywhere else. 

Your pledge to us: By shopping on our website, you pledge and agree that you are buying our products for your own personal use or to give as a gift to a friend or relative. You agree that you will not buy our products and then resell, remarket, or distribute them in any way, including reselling them on Amazon, Facebook Marketplace, eBay, Jet, Rakuten, Walmart Marketplace, Instagram, TikTok, or any other 3rd party websites, or resell or transfer them to an individual who plans to resell them on these sites. You agree that gifts will not be given to individuals or companies who intend on reselling, remarketing or distributing the gift on 3rd party websites.

In order to enforce this agreement, Thorn Ridge® does not allow customers to buy more product than what is typical and reserves the right to refuse any sale. For example, if you, as a customer, tries to buy 500 bars of soap through our website, we will not sell them to you and we have controls in place that will not allow you to even order that many bars of soap at a time. So please do not try to be sneaky and go around the quality and brand controls we've put in place. Violations will void all guarantees and warranties of our products and may result in legal action.

Absolutely! We'd love for you to carry our products in your store. If you are a business who would like to be considered for a wholesale partnership your company will need to meet our business requirements for retailers to buy wholesale from us. Please see our Wholesale Partnership page for details and to submit the application form. We only sell wholesale to retailers that are in the United States that we have authorized and who have set up an account with our company. In order to protect our brand and registered trademarks, we do not allow companies or individuals to resell our products in any way, including on third party sites such as, Amazon Arbitrage,,, or any similar website and will legally address any instances of the unauthorized reselling of our products. .

Yes, we are a member of the Indie Business Network and a member of the Handcrafted Soap and Cosmetic Guild.